Етикети: singer-songwriter


Music: Plamen Sivov Lyrics: Diana Stefanova There’s a stranger I met in the street, on a day of a mellow September in a town dreaming mountains of blue. There were so many words, walking...

Apples of Silver and Gold

Night comes around in her radiant dress. See the man with the golden apples, she says. He stole them from me and he ran away, cities burning behind him, bright as the day. Prophecies...

Step out

I would like to step out of my heart, climb the silences filling the sky to the home of the glittering star, standing tall like a city of white. Watching softly my heart as...

Hanging the Moon

Hanging the Moon by Plamen Sivov It’s been one of those seasons of quiet despair, I could hang the moon painted over your skies – keep you company, even when nobody’s there, throw her...

Sweetest Things

The sweetest things are painfully alert, examined by the likelihood of losing: Is living worth the risk of getting hurt? Or loving worth the consequence of choosing? Uncertainty gives in to hope instead, to...

The Illusion of Things

In a world where „more“ is in constant supply, feeding frenzies of loneliness, fear and sweat, the Connecticut ice storm that catches your eye brings you back to the frame our monologues met. It...

No More Promises

Touching ground, looking out of the window to the sky, all the chemtrails disappear like the frown from the eyebrows of a child left behind. Misty rain wets the plane, turns the day into...

Blues on 42nd Street

Беше преди… я да помисля… 15 години. Беше юли, бях в Ню Йорк, with no particular place to go. На 42-ра улица един негър се беше облегнал на някаква стена, ошарена с графити. Беше...

Lover’s Ghost

Тази вечер в брат ми записахме с голямо удоволствие една ста-а-ра ирландска песен, Lover’s Ghost, сиреч, „духът на любимата“. Записът стана бързо и лесно благодарение на Zoom H4 recorder, втората китара Stagg, на която...